I’ve been playing around with the design of my new blog for the last few days. One of the main reasons for having my blog on my own server was that there would be no limit to the customization/design, but now I’m finding I just want to get it up and have the design not scare anybody away. With that, I was initially going to keep it pretty stark white and use sort of peachy orange accents (like my website), but now I’m starting to play around with some color. I thought I’d try really warming it up with some really rich reds. I really like red/black color palettes. So with that, I think it’s pretty much set for now design-wise. Before I “sign-off” on it, I want to create a subtle container for the modules in the right column, dig around for a Flickr and Twitter WordPress widget, and maybe fix up the links a bit. I know there’s tons of other cool things I can probably do, but I’m really anxious to move on to my store and get that going.  Exciting!